3 Chiropractic Myths
According to gallup.com, more than 35 million Americans receive chiropractic care each year. Some seek care for specific injuries, while many go for general wellness. Either way, there are countless different opinions that the general public has on chiropractic. Here are a few of the common myths associated with chiropractic care.
Myth #1: Chiropractors only adjust the spine
Chiropractors are not limited to treating the spine. In reality, we receive training on nearly every area of the body. Whether it be your knee, your elbow, or even your fingers, we can work with it. That being said, the cool thing about chiropractic is that there are many styles to specialize in. Some chiropractors may go out and study specific extremities and become experts in that region. It is beneficial to do some research on the doctor before scheduling an appointment for your specific issue.
Myth #2: Once you go, you have to keep going forever
This is a myth. In fact, I feel that this is equivalent to saying “Once you start to exercise, you have to do it forever.” The truth is that a majority of patients decide to continue with regular chiropractic care because they see the amazing benefits of getting adjusted. Just like exercising, patients realize how great they feel once it becomes a regular part of their lives. There is no “addiction” to chiropractic. Instead, our patients realize how great they can feel and that they want to continue living that way.
Myth #3: All chiropractors are the same
Just because you have been to a chiropractor, that does not mean that you will receive the same type of treatment. As stated before, there are many different specialties that chiropractors can pursue. Some may prefer to work primarily with the spine, some may be sports oriented, and some may work with pediatrics. The list goes on, which is beneficial for you when trying to find a doctor that suits you best. Making sure you research your doctor before scheduling an appointment is a great idea so that you can be sure you are working with someone who will help you the most.
Chiropractic can be an amazing addition to your lifestyle. For more information on whether chiropractic is the right choice for you, don’t hesitate to contact me.
Benjamin Hosler DC, CCSP
“One in Four Americans Sought Care for Neck and Back Pain Last Year,” Gallup.com, accessed November 2018: http://www.gallup.com/poll/194984/one-four-adults-sought-care-neck-back-pain-last-year.aspx?g_source=Well-Being&g_medium=newsfeed&g_campaign=tiles